
By : Juhi Bansal

Good morning all you gorgeous people!

Has this ever happened to you?

After a night of binge eating and drinking, you stand on the scale and bam! you’ve put on 3 kilos! Well more often that not this is just water weight and you can lose it as quickly as you gained it! No, I am not kidding, below are some tricks to lose the excess water weight…and believe me when I say it….I’ve tried them all and they work!

So follow this for the next 5 days and you ll see the difference for yourself.

-Drink as much water as you can. Yes! the best way to fight water weight is to drink water! How much you ask me? Well the quantity may vary but as long as your urine doesn’t turn colorless you know you are not drinking enough water.

-Say no to aerated drinks, canned juices and alcohol. (for the next 5 days atleast).

-Remove sodium, sugar and coffee completely from the diet (again atleast for the next 5 days). These aid in water retention. That means no table salt, white sugar, MSG, soya sauce etc.

-Say no to processed food-white pasta, white bread, white flour, white rice, butter etc.

-No carbohydrates after 7 pm.

-Eat fresh fruits, fresh juices (no added sugar or salt) and soups. Cantaloupes, melons, papaya and apple are the best fruits for detox.

-Green tea is a good substitute if you need your caffeine fix.

-And last but definitely the most important-run, jog, walk, do yoga, do anything but bring physical exercise into your routine.

Write in to us if you have specific weight queries.


Stay Gorgeous xx

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