
By : Juhi Bansal

I am not really a face cream person. The reason is two-fold. First, I am a little wary of using chemicals on the skin on a daily basis and prefer facial oils over cream. Second, I am plain lazy!

But, post delivery hormonal changes and winters have taken a toll on my skin and it needed attention stat!

The Skin Perfect gift pack from L'oreal Paris

The Skin Perfect gift pack from L’oreal Paris

When I received this skin care package from L’oreal Paris (with a personal note from Katrina Kaif), I was intrigued. L’oreal needs no introduction. It’s the largest skincare brand in the world and is soon launching a revolutionary skin care range that caters to your skin’s requirements according to your age. So there’s something for 20+, 30+ and 40+ age groups.

What I like about the range is the fact that it differentiates between skins of the basis of one’s age group. It smells great and claims to fight skin problems as per my age requirement. Presenting the L’oreal Paris Skin Perfect Range.

The 20+ cream contains  Perlite and Salicylic Acid  and helps keep oiliness, pimples and blemishes at bay through your twenties while giving you that perfect clear skin glow. The 18g Cream is priced at Rs 99 and the 50 g Cream is priced at Rs 325.

The 30+ skin perfect range contains pro collagen that helps with fine lines and gives a glow to your skin. The 30+ 18g Cream is priced at Rs 149 and the 50 g Cream is priced at Rs 425.

the 40+ is packed with Pro Retinol A helps get rid of wrinkles and revitalizes your skin. It helps you get that flawless looking skin even post 40. The 50 g Cream is priced at Rs 595.

The complete Skin Perfect range at a glance

The complete Skin Perfect range at a glance

My verdict (after about 7 days of usage) is to definitely give the cream a try. With something priced as low as Rs. 99 and from the L’oreal Paris stables, it should be a good call. After all, age may just be a number but if there’s a cream tailor-made for it, you don’t wanna miss it!

Let me know your views on the same.

Stay tuned for the review of the 30+ cream based on my experience.

Stay Gorgeous xx

P.S. CB received an early PR Copy of the creams but the views expressed are solely my own.

Picture Courtesy:

L’oreal Paris

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