By Juhi Bansal
2015 has ended! Can you believe it!? So much happened in the past year yet it flew by in a blink.
So, as is the tradition, here’s my yearly reflection on what went by and what is to come or as I like to call it- Looking back and looking ahead.
2015 was amazing on several counts.
- The blog grew by leaps and bounds and we are now doing more than double the articles per month that we used to at the start of 2015. That means our followers and visitors have also grown considerably!
- The team has grown- from only Juhi till almost the end of 2014 to 3 full time contributors and more than 20 guest bloggers, we are doing some great articles and having a lot of fun on the way.
- Psst: the most popular guest blogger in 2015 was Iy Upadhyay apparently. But, don’t tell her yet or she’ll act pricier than she does now:)
- CB was featured by popular media like DNA, Femina, India Today and the like!
- Some fun collaborations happened: Black Taxi, IIM Disconnect, Pink Butterfly, Mocha Ahmedabad with #cbstreetstyle becoming one of the most popular hashtags. Almost 100 stylish people were featured and loved on our insta! Watch this space as we bring some more amazing collaborations in 2016!
- From Kareena Kapoor to Milind Soman to Kunal Kapoor, the CB couch had more attention in 2015 than all of us together!
- CB featured some great brands and designers on the blog. Whether big or small, well known or newbies, we are happy we showcased some amazing talent!
- And last but definitely not the least, we launched CB app. It has to be our biggest achievement so far. Not because of the amount of effort that has gone in, or the numbers of users we have on board. Just because we dared to do something different, to create a new community of people who share closets- thus getting more use out of stuff that is already owned. You can now Go Green & Be Fashionable– all at the same time.
On the personal front 2015 was an epic year:
- K & I saw Iy grow up into a fiercely independent one year old!
- We did our first long holiday with Iy in Europe and it was FUN
- I lost my pregnancy weight!
- I shed my inhibitions and did a shoot with India Today-Simply Gujarati
- Learnt to deal with stress and to speak my mind without worrying about what others think.
Here are some happy moments from last year

K’s 10 year reunion

Event in collaboration with Mocha Ahmedabad

My first b’day with little Iy

K & Iy in Mykonos earlier in 2015. #happiness indeed!

The selfie family or is it the family selfie
Let 2016 be about Yourself.
- Be a little selfish this year. Give yourself some ME time. It doesn’t have to be weeks or days, just give yourself a few hours every week.
A detailed post on resolutions is coming soon!
Till then xx and here’s wishing lots of happiness to you this year. Everything else will follow
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