
By Pranshuta Arora (Team CB)

Hello gorgeous! I have been thinking of doing a write up on how to stay fit and how to cut down on the calories intake to be precise and I have been able to work out a diet plan for you lovely ladies.

Cutting down to 1000 calories a day would sound drastic and it is generally opted for people who wish to lose some weight quickly.

Our diet plan is simple and contains good amount of nutrition. So as to make sure that it is realistic and yummy.

But, it is suggested to restrict this diet plan to just one week. Not only because you would fall short of the significant nutrients but also because surviving on only 1000 calories a day would convince your body that it is on its way to a famine.


The Diet

The drinks during the day may include sugar free coffee, water, no calories carbonated beverages, black-tea, coconut water, etc.

This particular diet plan would offer you 1000 calories, 145 grams carbohydrates, 60 grams proteins and 21 grams fat.

You can start your day with a glass of warm water and one spoon honey and lemon in it.


Breakfast (8-9 AM)


Image source: http://pad3.whstatic.com/

For breakfast you may have one banana sandwich. The sandwich can be made with 2 slices of whole wheat bread and one banana.


2 wheat toasts and 1 glass milk/orange juice or 1 cup coffee/tea.


Mid- Morning (10-11.30)


Image source: http://media.mercola.com/

You may have 100gram low-fat yoghurt or coconut water


Lunch (1-2)

You may have a whole wheat vegetable roll of about 45grams with a filling of 80grams tuna and 10grams low calorie mayo


You may also have salad made with 50grams lettuce, 10 grams spring onion and 50grams yellow or red peppers.


You may also have vegetable salad with lemon and black pepper but no salt.

Late Afternoon (4-5)


Image source: http://www.hercampus.com/

You may have 28grams low fat chips


1 Cup green tea and a fruit

Dinner (8-9)


Image source: http://www.knorr.com/

For dinner your options can be:

  • 70 grams roasted chicken breasts without the skin
  • 80 grams mashed potatoes in 30 ml semi skimmed milk
  • 60 grams broccoli(Boiled/steamed)
  • 50 grams boiled carrots

You can lose up to 2 to 4 lbs per week on the basis of the initial weight and the level of your activity. But, it’s highly recommended that this plan is restricted to just one week because for most of the people, this amount of calories would be quite low for obtaining sufficient nutrition.

Useful Tips

  • You should try to restrict the consumption of salt to just one spoon per day and cooking oil to just ½ teaspoons per day to get effective results
  • You may also consider buying a new non stick pan so that your consumption of oil is restricted.
  • Cut on the consumption of fast food/ junk food
  • Maintain a journal to record your weight, your food intake, etc.
  • Avoid sugary drinks and juices



This diet is not recommended for:

  • Pregnant women
  • Nursing mothers
  • Diabetic patients


Professionals suggest that you should aim at losing 1-2 pounds in a week. Also, you should keep yourself active while you’re following the diet. When you push your body into the mode of starvation, it becomes counterproductive. Thus, it is important to keep it active.

So! What are you waiting for? Start the diet plan today and shed those extra pounds. Good luck!

You can write in to us if you have any diet plans which can also help in restricting the calorie intake.

Stay Gorgeous xx

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