The Activist and the Capitalist by Vibha Batra

The Activist and the Capitalist by Vibha Batra

By : Juhi Bansal I received an advance copy of the book a few days ago and here’s what I think. It’s fresh, it’s exciting and it’s an extremely fun read! The protagonist Ms. Activist is feisty, free-spirited and as naïve as they come. Mr. Capitalist on the other hand is impulsive, handsome and a true Gentleman. I am a die-hard romantic, a sucker for love stories and this book was totally up my ante! It kept me so entertained, I read the book in one go….yep one single sitting and that’s saying something! So, without giving the story away, let me disclose the plot a little bit. Girl meets boy, girl falls in love, boy falls in love, girl and boy clash over principles and after breaking and making up several times-finally love triumphs! Add to this, the nail-biting excitement of “will they, won’t they”, the powerful narration by Vibha and a heartthrob central character- you have a bestseller! If romance is your genre, do give this book a serious dekko. If it’s not, read this one and you might end up changing your mind! Great job Vibha….here is hoping there’s a sequel in the making!

The Delightful Ms. Batra

The Delightful Ms. Batra

Grab your copy of The Activist and The Capitalist on Amazon. Another interesting character from Vibha’s previous book guest blogged for us. Catch Rinki’s article here. Hope you liked the review. Do write in and tell us if there are any other books you would like CB to review. Stay Gorgeous xx

Vibha for all the CB fans and followers :)

Vibha for all the CB fans and followers 🙂

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